Healthy Parks Healthy Person (HPHP) is a statewide incentive program encouraging Tennesseans to take their health into their own hands and get outside! HPHP app users can earn points by participating in healthy activities in any park in Tennessee and redeem their points for free rewards!
Download the app for free in the App or Google Play store today and get moving!

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Ready to challenge yourself to get outdoors for your health?

Take your
health into your own hands

Get outdoors.

“Time in nature…it is an essential investment in our health.”  

– Richard Louv

For the Health of it!

Tennessee has 57 state parks, 85 State Natural Areas, 12 National Parks, and countless city and county parks and greenways (not to mention your own neighborhood). There are an abundance of places to take your health in to your own hands and get outside!

It has been proven that time spent in nature provides health benefits - both mental AND physical. Just 20 minutes a day of outdoor physical activity can improve your outlook and increase your health benefits. It's a win-win.

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