
You've earned enough points to redeem a Reward! Follow the steps below to purchase your Reward in the HPHP app.

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
1. Open your app and go to the Rewards store at the top right corner of the page. You will see all of the rewards listed that you are eligible for. Items that are gray are items that are out of stock or unavailable at your point level. Choose your desired Reward.
2. Once you select your desired Reward, you can read the description and click the green "purchase" botton.
3. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your Reward purchase. If you wish to continue, click "Purchase." If you wish to go back to the Rewards store, click "Cancel."
4. After clicking "Purchase" you will be directed to a shipping info page, where you will input your shipping information along with any sizing info (if relevant). Please expect 2-4 weeks for shipping of Rewards.
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